Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Spam Empanadas!

So it's been awhile since I've posted anything...the last recipe i tried from my cookbooks didn't go so well and I got a bit discouraged to try anything for awhile and on top of that, my computer is currently in the process of dying and the new stuff won't be here till the end of the week so I'm posting from my handy dandy iPhone...hopefully this goes well.

Tonight, I made spam empanadas and they came out great. It wasn't difficult, just a lengthy process. I definitely think I'll be making these again though. My husband liked them, to his surprise and our four month old puppy really liked them too, as he stole one off the plate, ran like crazy, and devoured half of it before I could catch him.

So I had to take the block of spam to the grater to get it more like ground beef.

And then I had to dice jalapeƱos, tomatoes, and mince onion. okay, I totally cheated and bought diced tomatoes.

Then next, I peeled and grated a potato.

And then cooked in all in a skillet until the potato was tender.

After it was done cooking, I let it cool and added chopped cilantro and shredded pepper jack cheese. Also, the recipe didn't call for it but I sprinkled in some chili powder as well. Then it was time to put the filling into the dough.

Then fold over, seal it by pressing it with a fork and fry it!

And yay, spam empanadas!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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